This 14 week course, starting on February 4, is a study of the Book of Acts – The Holy Spirit at work in the believer.
The book of Acts chronicles the birth and growth of the early church. The Holy Spirit powerfully changed individual lives and, through them, the world. Starting with just over one hundred believers in Jerusalem after Jesus’ ascension, the church grew by thousands on the Day of Pentecost, increasing exponentially as the good news spread to Rome, the heart of the Roman Empire. Today’s world is desperate for such change—and a demonstration of such power.
By pursuing the Acts blueprint, today’s believers can set out to win the world for God. This session overviews Acts: the example set for church growth, faith and apologetics, and the Holy Spirit’s role in spreading the gospel. Every believer is called to ministry. Studying Acts will help us follow the apostles’ example in turning our world upside down in the power of the Spirit.